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Potential role of phase separation in transposon defence Potential
Characterising the function of general transcription elongation factor Paf1 complex in transposon defence Current
Unravelling the role of transposon defence pathway in the development of gonads. Current
Molecular and functional characterisation of the terminal resection (trimming) of small RNA in animal development Current
Uncover the mechanism of novel splicing “rescue” pathways Current
Osteoimmunology, miRNA regulation and genetic risk factors in biomaterial related chronic inflammation and osteolysis in total joint replacement surgery Potential
Antibacterial biomaterials for future orthopaedic implants Potential
MicroRNA as diagnostics and therapeutics for retinal degenerations Current
Exosomes in retinal degenerations Current
The benefits of exercise for retinal health and reducing retinal degenerations Current
Development of new animal models for retinal degenerations Current
Novel therapeutics to reduce the progression of retinal degenerations Current
Integration of single-cell and spatial transcriptomics underlies the molecular disparity in age-related macular degeneration mice eye Current
Solving mysteries of the neural stem cell niche to understand brain cancer Current
Mini-brain systems to identify novel treatments for brain cancer Current
Presymptomatic Signatures of Interneuron Dysfunction in Mice Models of Striatum-Related Pathologies Potential
Molecular Control of the Interneuron Integration and Synapse Formation Potential
Consequences of impaired neuronal activity during development in a mouse model of autism Potential
Development of a molecular tool for personalised cancer treatment – a synthetic biology approach Current
The role of pervasive transcription in genomic instability and how it contributes to cancer development Current
Chromatin and RNA surveillance Current
The role of chromatin in the repression of pervasive transcription Current
Investigating platelet receptor shedding mechanisms in physiological and pathophysiological conditions Current
Exploring novel pathways of platelet biogenesis (thrombopoiesis). How does the body respond to a crisis of platelet numbers? Current
What are the molecular events underpinning clotting and bleeding in the setting of haematological cancer? Current
