Equity & Diversity
We are committed to promoting gender equity and diversity in medical research and across science. Learn how we're fostering diversity and inclusivity.
We are committed to promoting gender equity and diversity in medical research and across science, and providing a safe, welcoming, and enjoyable working environment for all our students and staff. We actively support initiatives aimed at fostering diversity and inclusivity, recognising the invaluable contributions that diverse perspectives bring to our research endeavors.
Within the medical research sector:
- Women are under-represented in leadership positions
- A significant gender pay gap (10-25%) still exists
- Retirement savings of women are approximately half that of men
- Women are at significant risk of violence at the hands of a current or former partner
Women are representative of more than half PhD graduates and early career researchers in Australia. However, in senior academic roles, women make up just 17%. We pledge to retain our best scientists and innovators to ensure Australia stays competitive in all research fields.
Initiatives that we have instituted include:
- Improved gender balance through strengthened recruitment processes
- Working closely with gender equity initiatives such as the Athena Swan, Franklin Women and SAGE programs
- Family friendly meeting times and flexible working arrangements
- 26 weeks paid maternity leave
- Lactation room and emergency care family room
- The ability to work from home
- Women in science lectures, lunches and mentoring opportunities
- Financial support for women with children in care
The Judith Whitworth Fellowship for Gender Equity in Science
The Judith Whitworth Fellowship for Gender Equity in Science was established in 2014 to support excellent early–mid-career scientists who have experienced significant career disruption as a result of maternity or parental leave. The next Fellowship will be advertised in 2016 for 2017 – 2018.
The JCSMR Gender Equity Fund
The John Curtin School of Medical Research has established a Gender Equity Fund to assist PhD students or early career researchers experiencing extended career disruption relating to the birth and care of children.
Current activities of the JCSMR Gender Equity Committee
A baby change table has been installed in the disabled toilets (unisex) in the front foyer. Lactation facilities for breastfeeding infants and/or milk expression are available in the First Aid room (room 2.305) Please contact a committee member for more information. The committee is currently investigating the possibility of establishing a parents’ room.