Talo Computational Biomedicine Courses

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Talo Computational Biomedicine Courses will encourage cross-disciplinary movement and up-skilling of graduates and undergraduates from different disciplines into computational biology. Computational biologists and bioinformaticians have few training options, as most come to the discipline from diverse backgrounds, including biology, computer science, engineering, statistics and/or mathematics. Some study higher degrees, but a substantial portion move sideways through professional appointments, learning on the job, and often in their own time or through ad-hoc courses.

The Computational Biomedicine Courses aim to:

  • Boost interest in computational biology among ANU graduates and undergraduates.
  • Increase understanding of biology and biomedical research programs
  • Help identify and apply applications of computational technologies to biomedicine.
  • Provide an opportunity for learning and applying key computational biology concepts.


There is a financial award available from the JCSMR Talo Computational Biology Talent Accelerator to the value of $4,000 (6 units) or $8,000 (12 units) offered to the top 5 students enrolled in the Computational Biomedicine Courses.

Selection for an award will be based on academic merit. See Conditions of Award.

Selection criteria

Each year, JCSMR will prepare a portfolio of computational biomedical research projects, suitable for under and postgraduate students. Students will work on problems alongside high-performing biomedical research teams. They will learn quickly about biomedical research and how to apply and develop their computer science skills.

Applications will be open to students with advanced knowledge of computer science and engineering from any bachelor or masters program. 

Students seeking to complete the research project, will require support from a nominated supervisor, and must submit the Research Project Application Form for approval by the course convener, prior to enrolment in the MEDN3007 or MEDN8007 Computational Biomedicine Course. 

The course is available as 6 or 12 units. For each 6 units of enrolment, the expected minimum workload will consist of approximately 130 hours of total student learning time made up of independent student research, reading and writing. Students are expected to maintain regular contact with their supervisor and attend all supervisory meetings.

Potential projects

Find potential research projects on this page.

How to apply

Applications will be accepted for Second Semester 2023.

Further details and application process for the Undergraduate Course (MEDN3007) available here.

Further details and application process for the Postgraduate Course (MEDN8007) available here.

Admission to this course is subject to availability of a suitable supervisor and approval from the Course Convener.

Students must complete the Research Project Summary Form and submit via the following link: Requesting permission to enrol | Current Students ANU College of Science