ANU Bioinformatics Consultancy

The ANU Bioinformatics Consultancy is a service unit that offers a wide range of bioinformatics analysis, consulting, programming and training services.


The ANU Bioinformatics Consultancy (ABC) is a service unit that offers a wide range of bioinformatics analysis, consulting, programming and training services, including:

  • processing data from all major sequencing platforms
  • differential gene expression analysis (e.g. RNA-seq, single cell RNA-seq, de novo transcriptome assembly)
  • analysis of gene regulation (e.g. small RNA-seq, ChIP-seq)
  • genotyping-by-sequencing and RAD-seq analysis
  • genomic variant calling
  • high-density linkage map construction
  • custom programming in a wide range of languages.

We can use existing pipelines, or develop custom pipelines, to analyse your data and provide support through to publication, as required. We can provide bioinformatics advice for researchers writing grant applications. We also provide advice on experimental design and encourage researchers to contact us prior to sequencing to ensure that their experiment is designed according to current best practice.


Our software engineers in the ABC have a proven track record in providing long-term solutions to complex data-analysis, handling and management software.

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Thinking about getting started with a new experiment, but are unsure of statistical factors, experiment technologies, data management or analysis?

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The ABC Bioinformatics Development Cluster is a cluster computer resource used for biological data analysis (e.g. high-throughput sequencing data, comparative and computational genomics).

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A man sitting in front of computer screen

Sometimes you just need to take a different look at the data you already have, or you are starting pilot project and don’t want to invest in something that might not be used again. or analysis?

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Need help with processing your raw sequencing data for analysis and mapping sequencing reads? Want to ensure the quality of your sequencing dataset?

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