Woman in lab

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Displaying 421 - 440 of 491 results

Name Positions Contacts Affiliation
Rimaz Toto
Rimaz Toto PhD Student
Sasanan Trakansuebkul
Sasanan Trakansuebkul PhD Student
No photo provided
Lewis Tremayne Administrative Officer
David Tremethick
Professor David Tremethick
Marina Trigueros
Dr Marina Trigueros Communications and Outreach Coordinator – Phenomics Australia (formerly Australian Phenomics Network)
No photo provided
Elizabeth Troy PhD Student
David Tscharke
Professor David Tscharke Group Leader
NHMRC Fellow
No photo provided
Elodie Tscharke School Administration Officer / Autoclave and Wash-up Operator
Dr Padmaja Tummala Postdoctoral Fellow
Cynthia Turnbull
Dr Cynthia Turnbull Postdoctoral Fellow
Dr Thejaani Udumanne
Avinash Upadhya
Dr Avinash Upadhya Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow
Abbas Vahed Nia Area Supervisor
Associate Professor Krisztina Valter Group Leader - The Valter Group
Joshua Van Kleef
Dr Joshua Van Kleef Research Fellow
Natasha Vassileff
Dr Natasha Vassileff Postdoctoral Fellow
Alamelu Vengatasalam
Alamelu Vengatasalam Laboratory Technician
No photo provided
Shweta Venkataraman
No photo provided
Professor Jonathan D Victor
Dr Maria Vidovic Visiting Fellow