Professor David Nisbet

2014 Fellow of the Higher Education Academy, Australian National University, 2012 Graduate Certificate in Higher Education, Monash University., 2009 Doctor of Philosophy (Materials/Biomedical Engineering), Monash University, 2006 Bachelor of Engineering (
Group Leader - Laboratory of Advanced Biomaterials
NHMRC Fellow

Research interests

The Nisbet Lab is focused on developing advanced biomaterials along three main research themes (Neural Tissue Engineering, Bone Tissue Engineering, and Drug and Viral Vector Delivery). At the core of each of these themes is the development of biomaterials that are used to both mimic native cellular microenvironments and provide a platform for the targeted delivery of therapeutic molecules for regenerative medicine and tissue engineering.

Dave is passionate about developing novel biomaterials, and particularly about seeing the biomaterials developed for clinical applications. His research groups consist of team of engineers, chemists, and biologists, all working together to create novel materials to help combat injury and disease.
