List of researchers and domain experts that advise on and support the ABC.
Dr Benjamin Kaehler

Dr Benjamin Kaehler

Benjamin is a Postdoctoral Scientist working in the Huttley Lab - Bioinformatics, molecular evolution of genomes. The Huttley lab focusses on understanding what processes shape the distribution of genetic variation, and has a particular interest in understanding the influence of factors affecting mutation and how best to represent these effects in statistical models.

Dr Benjamin Schwessinger

Dr Benjamin Schwessinger

Benjamin is an ARC Discovery Early Career Researcher within the Rathjen Lab - Plant immunity. His general research interest is driven by the desire to understand communication at a molecular level within an organism, between individual species, and within a given ecosystem, and explore how these communications influence evolution and evolve. In particular he is interested in plant immunity, biochemical signal transduction mechanisms, genomics and host-microbe co-evolution in an agronomical setting. Benjamin aims to uncover fundamental mechanisms of plant innate immunity and develop new ways to introduce robust and durable resistance in crop plants.

Dr Maurits Evers

Dr Maurits Evers

Maurits is a Research Fellow in Applied Bioinformatics and a Researcher within the The Hannan Group - Cancer Therapeutics. His research interests are in: 

  • statistical methods in the biological and medical sciences
  • analysis of "omics" data (RNA-seq, DNA-seq, microarray)
  • physical and statistical modelling in biological and medical sciences
  • application of big data analysis and machine learning in the natural sciences.
Dr Nick Matzke

Dr Nick Matzke

Nick is a Postdoctoral Scientist within the Moritz Lab - Evolutionary biogeography and conservation. His research is focused on integrating ecological and historical biogeography with statistical phylogenetics.

Dr Norman Warthmann

Dr Norman Warthmann

Norman is a Postdoctoral Scientist within the Borevitz Lab - Plant genomics for climate adaption. His research works on whole-genome approaches to conservation genetics and breeding, with a goal of enabling "digital domestication": domesticate wild species to crops, in a predictable fashion. Norman's areas of expertise include:

  • plant cell and molecular biology
  • genomics
  • quantitative genetics (including disease and trait mapping genetics)
  • genetics.
Dr Sebastian Kurscheid

Dr Sebastian Kurscheid

Sebastian is a Research Fellow in Genome Biology and is a Researcher within the Tremethick Group - Chromatin and transcriptional regulation during development. His research interests are in:

  • epigenetics (including genome methylation and epigenomics)
  • gene expression (including microarray and other genome wide approaches)
  • genomics
  • cancer genetics
  • molecular targets
  • solid tumours.
Mr Kevin Murray

Mr Kevin Murray

Kevin is a bioinformatician within the Borevitz Lab - Plant genomics for climate adaption. He is working with Tim Brown and Norman Warthmann on sequence and image analysis software development. His research interests are in:

  • bioinformatics
  • genomic and phenotypic variation in plants.
Mr Marcin Adamski

Mr Marcin Adamski

Marcin is a Bioinformatician within the Computational Biology and Bioinformatics Unit. He has a background in computer science, with over 15 years of bioinformatics experience. His recent research interests can be best described as computational marine biology, with emphasis on de novo genome assembly, detection of differentially expressed genes and phylogeny.

Prof Eric Stone

Prof Eric Stone

Eric is the Director of the ANU Biological Data Science Institute. Eric has an eclectic background: he holds degrees in mathematics and statistics, has training in both computer science and the pre-medical sciences, and completed his doctoral thesis under the supervision of a geneticist. His research combines statistical methods and mathematical theory to elucidate both biological processes and the tools we apply toward such elucidation.

Prof Gavin Huttley

Prof Gavin Huttley

Gavin is the leader of the Huttley Lab - Bioinformatics, molecular evolution of genomes. His research is focussed on genome decryption — identifying regions of the genome which encode functions that influence susceptibility to disease — through analysis of genetic variation. Gavin is the Principle Investigator on the following projects: