Olympus IX71 inverted bright-field / fluorescence microscope

Olympus IX71 inverted bright-field / fluorescence microscope


  • Objective lenses 4x, 10 x, 20 x, 40x, 60x oil, 100x oil,
  • DIC
  • Filters:
  • Ex 330-385 and 420 LP,
  • ex 460-495 and em 505LP,
  • ex 460-495 and em 510-55-BP,
  • ex 510-550 and em 590LP,
  • ex 545-589 and em 610.
  • Olympus DP70 11 megapixel colour camera


The CHASM facility provides access to a range of light microscopy techniques including confocal, multiphoton, live cell and intra-vital imaging.

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Dr Harpreet Vohra and Michael Devoy

The CHASM Facility offers cutting edge instrumentation and expertise in High dimensional flow cytometry cell analysis, cell sorting, Histology, Automated Immunochemistry, in vivo optical imaging, low dose micro CT and Spatial Multiomics services.

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