Research stories

Research stories

Meet our researchers and students as they share their stories and the research that is advancing health and medicine. 

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Displaying 19 - 27 of 29 results.

Professor Si Ming Man from JCSMR
Wednesday, 07 Dec 2022
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Professor Si Ming Man is finding ways to weaponise our immune systems against infection and disease.

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Thursday, 01 Dec 2022
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Cells live within incredibly challenging watery environment. Understanding how different groups of cells know where they are and where to go can spark new possibilities in diagnostics and therapeutics development.

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Wednesday, 27 Jul 2022
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Dr Elmira Mohamed has been supported by the Discovery Translation Fund to commercialise a promising haemostatic agent.

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Thursday, 30 Jun 2022
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Emeritus Professor Angela Dulhunty has been appointed a Member of the Order of Australia for her significant service to medical research and to professional organisations.

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Friday, 11 Mar 2022
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JCSMR researchers and collaborators have made the first accurate quantification of the movement pattern of liver-localised CD8 T cells.

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Friday, 18 Feb 2022
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JCSMR researchers and collaborators have identified a striking feature of blood cells in type 1 diabetes.

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Thursday, 18 Nov 2021
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Dr James O'Connor has attained his PhD while simultaneously undertaking a medical degree program.

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Thursday, 11 Nov 2021
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At the interface between clinical practice and fundamental research, Professor Mark Polizzotto seeks to fulfil the unmet needs of cancer patients with science that is more inclusive and collaborative.

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Tuesday, 19 Oct 2021
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Dr Yvette Wooff has been named a 2021 Fresh Scientist.

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