The Schulte Group - Systems Biology of Cancer

The Schulte Group investigates therapy options arising from the nucleolar stress response.

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Professor Klaus-Martin Schulte, MD, FRCS, FRACS


The Schulte Group is dedicated to advance human health by trans- and interdisciplinary research in Indigenous genome sciences, cancer biology, and Space health.

The Schulte Group pursues its research interests in three major collaborations

  1. In collaboration with the National Centre for Indigenous Genomics NCIG: Advancing health equity for Indigenous Australians through pharmacogenomics: building an end-to-end discovery pipeline. Category 1 funded by the MRFF 2023-2026, 2025085; CIA Schulte.
  2. In collaboration with the ANU Institute of Space (InSpace): Microwearables for Space. Category 2 funded by a Trailblazer Universities Fund from the Department of Education DESE an industry partners under the iLAuNCH scheme 2023-2027; CIA Schulte
  3. Therapeutic vulnerabilities at the nucleolar stress response in fusion gene driven sarcoma. A collaboration with the Hannan Group at JCSMR. Category 3 funded by the Max Lindemann Memorial Foundation, Miami 2021-2027; CIA Schulte.

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Dr Christine Shu Mei Lee

Research Fellow


Ruth Arkell

Associate Director, Research Infrastructure, JCSMR
Senior Fellow / Group Leader

Centre Director, The National Centre for Indigenous Genomics

Rita Ferreira

Senior Fellow

Professor Elizabeth Gardiner

Director, The John Curtin School of Medical Research
Center Director, The National Platelet Research and Referral Centre

Amee George

Lead, ANU Centre for Therapeutic Discovery (ACTD)
Platform Manager, National Therapeutic mRNA Platform
Associate Professor in Pharmacogenomic Technologies
Group Leader

Ross Hannan

Group Leader
Deputy Dean, Research, CHM
NHMRC Principle Res. Fellow

Nadine Hein

Senior Fellow

Azure Hermes

Deputy Director - National Center for Indigenous Genomics

Hardip Patel

Research Fellow - NCIG BioLead