Associate Professor Amee George

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A/Prof Amee George is a group leader (Pharmacogenomics Technologies) in the Division of Genome Sciences and Cancer, and heads the ANU Centre for Therapeutic Discovery, at the John Curtin School of Medical Research. She obtained her PhD from the University of Melbourne in 2007. Early in her career, she developed a keen interest in high-throughput screening and the use of functional genomics-based approaches to investigate the molecular basis of disease. Her first postdoctoral appointment at the University of Queensland investigated how angiotensin receptor signalling hijacks growth factor receptor pathways and leads to aberrant cell growth. Her subsequent postdoctoral appointments (Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Melbourne and John Curtin School of Medical Research, ANU) utilised high-throughput screening methods to investigate how perturbations in ribosome biogenesis leads to the activation of the nucleolar surveillance response, which is an important molecular mechanism underlying some diseases of the ribosome (ribosomopathies). A/Prof George has a specific research interest in ribosomopathies, in particular, the congenital bone marrow failure disorder Diamond Blackfan Anaemia (DBA) and developing novel therapeutic approaches to treat these disorders. She has received funding from the Australian National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC), the Captain Courageous Foundation and Maddie Riewoldt’s Vision for this work. In her role as Lead of the ACTD (since 2017), she facilitates and collaborates on high-throughput screening and drug discovery projects across a broad range of disciplines for both academic and industry clients.
- The George Group - Pharmacogenomic Technologies, Leader
- The Schulte Group - Systems Biology of Cancer, Collaborator
- The Quinn Group - Brain Cancer Discovery, Collaborator
- The Hannan Group - Cancer Therapeutics, Collaborator
Research interests
- High throughput screening
- Functional genomics
- siRNA screening (high content and high throughput)
- Compound screening
- High content imaging and data analysis
- Ribosome biogenesis
- Ribosomopathies (Diamond Blackfan Anaemia)
- Cancer cell biology
- Cell signalling
- Cell biology
Room 3.356