Postrun Stenosis Collagen Scan JCSMR

The Lee Group - Optical Biofluidic Imaging Group

Discovering biological physics through optics, computing, materials and fluid dynamics.

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Research themes

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Dr Woei Ming (Steve) Lee
Group Leader


Our team is focus on discovering new biophysical properties of cells and tissue through novel tool building. We have a growing interest in mechanobiology, particularly in the dynamics of tissue formation.

Over the past decade, our team has focused on developing innovative live cell imaging and microfluidic tools; called Spatial Adaptive Imaging and Lithography (SAIL). These tools are designed to quantitatively analyze cell-cell and cell-substrate interactions under various extracellular stimuli, including fluid forces, surface adhesion factors, and 3D topologies. Our research has revealed key biophysical mechanisms that drive cell adhesion and aggregation under fluid pressure. Moving forward, we aim to expand the application of our tools and techniques to engineer biological tissue substitutes on a larger scale.

Cross-disciplinary tool building (Optics, Biofluidic, Computing) that has resulted several industry-ready platform technologies that are being commercialised by Ability Optics Pty Ltd. Currently, we are developing integrated imaging bioreactors that can monitor and produce 3D micro-Avatars of Tissues (MAT) at scale. 

Other interests include developing optical tweezers for single-molecule force spectroscopy and pioneering new methods in volumetric imaging from molecular to whole animals scales.

Find out more about the Optical Biofluidic Imaging Group (OBIG) group on their website.  
Google Scholar‬ link - ‪Woei Ming Steve Lee‬  



Selected publications


We aim to develop bioreactor technologies to grow Micro-Avatars of Tissue (MATs) by leveraging lessons from epithelial biology and cadherin-driven cell junctions.

Student intake

Open for Honours, PhD students




We investigate how cell-cell communication, adhesion, fluid flow, and microstructure control cell migration and tissue formation in response to dynamic extracellular conditions.

Student intake

Open for Honours, PhD students




This project develops Spatial Adaptive Imaging (SAI) technologies to image millions of single cells in one high-resolution image, surpassing current single cell and microscopy techniques.

Student intake

Open for Masters, PhD students




  • Mr Zhiduo Zhang, CEO Ability Optics Pty Ltd




Daniel Lim

Senior Imaging Scientist

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Senior Tutor

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Visiting Fellow

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Visiting Scientist, Ability Optics Pty Ltd

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Visiting Scientist
CEO, Ability Optics Pty Ltd


Avinash Upadhya

Visiting Postdoctoral Fellow

Visiting Technical Consultant - CTO Ability Optics Pty Ltd


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PhD Student

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Honours Student

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Honours Student


The Ability Optics executive team and co-founders

ANU spinoff company Ability Optics Pty Ltd is accelerating to revolutionise biotechnology with an aim to speed up early lead drug screening by 100-fold.

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Computational Biomedical CCBS

The Centre for Computational Biomedical Sciences (CCBS) is on a mission to usher in a new era of biomedical discovery through computational innovation.

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Dr Woei Ming Steve Lee JCSMR

JCSMR-led project developed by The Lee Group headed by Dr Woei Ming Steve Lee, was one of the 10 selected medical science projects chosen to bridge the “valley of death” by Australian Economic Accelerator (AEA) scheme.

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