Technical Bioinformatics Groups
The ANU Bioinformatics Consultancy (ABC)
Led by Cameron Jack, the ABC is a JCSMR core facility providing cutting-edge bioinformatics and computing support to Australia's top biologists.Our goal is to enable biologists to understand and work with data that might otherwise seem overwhelming or incomprehensible.
We develop and run the latest processing and analysis pipelines, and operate dedicated bioinformatics computational hardware, and make these available for the local research community. We also adapt newly developed methods from other groups to be adapted for production work and to offer to experimental biologists.
Informatics Team
Led by Philip Wu, the Informatics team provides expertise in building large scale data management platforms and web based analytical tools for data-driven decision making, pipeline engineering, visualisation, integration and tracking of diverse biological datasets using the insights derived from the analytics to deliver new knowledge.
A combination of traditional database and bleeding edge big data solutions are leveraged to enable researchers and clinicians to take control of their data via secure online web-based applications supporting JCSMR, Australian Phenomics Facility and Canberra Clinical Genomics for the study of genome variation and phenotypic screens (biochemistry, flow cytometry) in animal models as well as human patients suffering from rare diseases. These platforms include Genetic Variation database, Mouse colony management system, Mouse strain and cryopreservation database, Human patient databases, sc-RNAseq visualization tools, flow cytometry database, and sample storage database.