
The main component of the 10 month honours course is a supervised research project that is undertaken in one of the medical research laboratories at ANU. The other marked component of the year is the presentation of a recent research paper to foster skills in critical analysis of the literature. Students are expected to attend a journal club program, various safety courses, workshops and seminars, write a literature review and present seminars on their research work. Through this project students learn skills in critical analysis of the literature, project and experiment planning, laboratory and other techniques in medical research, data analysis and interpretation, and communication of research outcomes.

Most students in this honours course are expected to be doing projects with supervisors based in the John Curtin School of Medical Research, in the disciplines of Cancer Biology and Therapeutics, Genome Biology, Immunology and Infectious Diseases, or Neuroscience. However projects may be undertaken in laboratories in the Research School of Biology, other Schools at ANU where a group has a focus on medical research, or The Canberra Hospital at the discretion of the convenor.

Find a research project

Participate in a specialised medical research honours program encompassing a diverse range of medically relevant topics. 

Browse current projects available to Honours students:

Once you have found an honours project, discuss it with the potential supervisors and the honours convenor several months before the proposed starting date. You need an academic staff member to agree to supervise your project and also the agreement of the honours convenor before your application can be approved by the College of Science and Medicine Subdean.

To find out more about every research group at JCSMR, check out the following links:

How to apply

Semester 1 intake - applications close on 15 December

Semester 2 intake - applications close on 31 May

Find out how to apply for honours and admission dates on the College of Health & Medicine website. As part of your application to Honours, you will need to submit a Nomination of Supervisor form if undertaking a Medical Research project. 


Contact us

For more information about honours at JCSMR please contact:

JCSMR Administration honours.jcsmr@anu.edu.au

JCSMR Honours Convenor Associate Professor Anselm Enders ad.honours.jcsmr@anu.edu.au

Learning experience

Jin Si Lam - JCSMR

Rising Star: Jin Si Lam wins the 2024 University Medal

Jin Si Lam, a standout student from the John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR), has been awarded the prestigious University Medal for 2024. This esteemed award recognises students who achieve First Class Honours (or Masters Advanced Equivalent) and demonstrate exceptional academic excellence throughout their studies.

Read the story

Fees & scholarships


Please visit the Programs and Courses website for information about fees.

View fees


Whether you are looking for financial support to start your studies at ANU or help to move away from home for the first time, we have scholarship opportunities for you and your situation.

Program administrators

Anselm Enders

Associate Professor Anselm Enders

Anselm Enders

JCSMR Honours Convenor


Sonam Prema

JCSMR Student Administration


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