Professor Eduardo Eyras

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Eduardo Eyras is an EMBL Australia Group Leader and Professor at the Australian National University (ANU), where he develops computational methods to study transcriptomes and epitranscriptomes and their alterations in cancer using long-read sequencing technologies. Before joining ANU, Eduardo Eyras worked at the Sanger Institute (2001-2004) and was group leader at the Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona, Spain (2005-2019). During this time, he developed methods to annotate RNA alternative splicing in genomes, contributed to the landmark analyses of the human, mouse, rat, chicken, and cow genomes, and led a research program on Machine Learning applied to RNA biology and cancer.
- The Centre for Computational Biomedical Sciences, Director
- The Shine-Dalgarno Centre for RNA Innovation, Researcher
- The Eyras Group - Computational RNA Biology, Leader
- The Shirokikh Group - Protein Biosynthesis and Homeostatic Control, Collaborator
- The Hannan Group - Cancer Therapeutics, Collaborator
Research interests
RNA biology, cancer, long-read sequencing technologies, machine learning
- Novel algorithms to study transcriptome variation with long-read sequencing, Principal investigator
- Predictive models of RNA biochemical modifications and their role in RNA processing, Principal investigator
- Identification of ribosomal DNA sequence variation and analysis of their functional consequence , Supervisor
Office: 3.022
For a complete list of publications please refer to publications.