Opening a LIMS account

meeting_room Facility
business_center Service

What is dnaLIMS?

LIMS stands for Laboratory Information Management System. At our facility, we use LIMS to:

  • accept orders for, and process, Sanger sequencing work
  • accept orders for Peptide synthesis work
  • sell a range of consumables required by clients using our services and equipment
  • automate reservations for equipment used by our clients.

To do any of these things, you must have an account on dnaLIMS

Setting up a login account

Follow the hyperlink to dnaLIMS on the BRF website External Links menu block, choose "Create login account for dnaLIMS" and set up a login id and password for yourself.

Please ensure that you complete ALL the required information (indicated by red asterisks).  Failure to set up your login correctly will result in delays in processing your samples and accounts.  When you have completed all required information, select the "Validate Table" button and then "Submit".

Tips for choosing the right settings for your account


  • For ANU users please enter your School/Faculty: eg JCSMR, RSB, RSC, etc.
  • For outside users please enter as "CSIRO" or "Biotron," etc.


  • For JCSMR users please enter your department or group: eg DGB for Genome Biology, DI for Immunology, DTB for Translational Biosciences, etc.
  • For other ANU users, please enter your lab or group name, or leave blank.
  • For CSIRO please enter your Division.

PI (Primary Investigator):

  • This is your supervisor (or yourself where relevant). The person nominated as PI must have authority to authorise the expenditure.


  • ANU users choose "on campus".
  • CSIRO and other universities choose "academic".
  • Other users choose "industry".

Changes can be made using the "Change User Profile" link.