Professor Si Ming Man among the top 1% of researchers worldwide for the third time

Publication date
Friday, 17 Nov 2023

Professor Si Ming Man of the John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR) listed among the world’s most highly cited researchers, placing among the top 1% of researchers worldwide for the third time.

Highly Cited Researchers is an annual list, published by Clarivate, a global analytics company, features researchers in the top 1% of the Web of Science citation index and recognises those that have contributed to their desired field. This year list consists of 7,125 researchers from a total of 67 countries and regions.

Professor Man is a highly acclaimed scientist attached to the Division of Immunology and Infectious Diseases at JCSMR and the lead researcher of the Innate Immunity and Inflammasomes research group. Professor Man was successively named in the Clarivate List of Highly Cited Researchers in 2020 and 2022.

Professor Man graduated from UNSW Sydney with a Bachelor of Medical Science (Honours) in microbiology in 2007 and a Master of Science in Biochemistry in 2009.

He obtained his PhD in immunology at the University of Cambridge, UK and completed a postdoctoral fellowship on inflammation research in infectious disease and cancer at St Jude Children’s Research Hospital, USA.

In 2017 he joined JCSMR and established his own research group at the ANU.

He is a CSL Centenary Fellow and has received many awards, including the Australian Academy of Science Gottschalk Medal in 2023, the Frank Fenner Prize for Life Scientist of the Year 2022 Prime Minister’s Prizes for Science, and the Commonwealth Health Minister’s Medal for Excellence in Health and Medical Research in 2019.

Professor Man was recently felicitated by his alma mater UNSW with 2023 Alumni Award for Research and Teaching Achievement. He was also an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of NSW 2023.

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