What are the molecular events underpinning clotting and bleeding in the setting of haematological cancer?

study how new therapeutics that treat malignancy impact on platelet function and contribute to dysregulation of thrombopoiesis and haemostasis.

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Patients living with bone marrow malignancies often have significant bleeding tendencies, as well as (paradoxically) a vastly elevated risk of developing thrombosis.Using imaging cytometry and sequencing tools, these projects seek to understand and quantify the platelet lesion that appears early in people with lymphoma and leukaemia, and study how new therapeutics that treat malignancy impact on platelet function and contribute to dysregulation of thrombopoiesis and haemostasis.

Figure: Brysland, S.et al; Bleeding Propensity in Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia: Potential Causes and Evaluation.Thromb Haemost 2022; 122(11): 1843-1857.




Professor Elizabeth Gardiner

Director, The John Curtin School of Medical Research
Center Director, The National Platelet Research and Referral Centre