IVIS spectrum – In vivo imaging of bioluminescent and fluorescent reporters
Enables detection of reporters across the blue and near infrared range of wavelengths to a resolution of 20 microns in up to 5 live whole specimens under isoflurane-based anaesthesia.
Typical applications: Longitudinal tumour burden studies, cell/liposome trafficking and gene expression pattern.
Training and further information
For training, user registration and more information on this system please contact:
Dr Nadine Hein,;
Jessica Lovell,
Trained and registered users can use equipment at a cost of $46/hr.
For bookings, please click on the following link (Note: only trained and registered users will be able to book equipment).

Training/Information files
Quantum FX Micro CT – In vivo imaging by high resolution CT
Enables detection of internal structures at a resolution of 10 – 295 microns of specimens under isoflurane-based anaesthesia (if required). Computed tomography generated from images captured using a rotating gantry affixed with an X-ray tube and a flat panel detector that rotates around small (65 mm bore) to medium sized (193 mm bore) live specimens.
Typical applications: Longitudinal tumour studies, bone analysis, and fat volume.
Training and further information
For training, user registration and more information on this system please contact:
Dr Ben Quah,;
Jessica Lovell,
Trained and registered users can use equipment at a cost of $46/hr.
For bookings, please click on the following link (Note: only trained and registered users will be able to book equipment).

Training/Information files
Multiphoton microscopy - – In vivo and deep tissue fluorescence microscopy
Enables deep imaging (~1 mm depth) in biological specimens at the cellular level under isoflurane-based or ketamine/xylazine-based anaesthesia (anesthesia device not provided) at a submicron resolution (Lateral: 0.3 μm, Axial: 1 μm).
Two systems are available, including:
- FVMPE-RS(Olympus) - 3 fluorescent channels with 680 nm to 1300 nm tunable and 1040 nm fixed excitation wavelengths
- AO-PScope(ANU) - Adaptive optics with volume imaging rate (5 vol per sec) and up to 3 fluorescent channels with tunable 740 nm to 940 nm excitation wavelengths
- Both systems are equipped with large-area detection path to allow collection of more emission signal, especially large-angle scattered photons
Training and further information
For training, user registration and more information on this system please contact:
Daniel Lim,
Trained and registered users can use equipment at a cost of $40/hr.
For bookings, please click on the following link (Note: only trained and registered users will be able to book equipment).

Training/Information files
SARRP image-guided irradiation system – 3D volumetric image guidance for focal therapeutic X-ray dose delivery
Enables CT-guided delivery of conformal radiotherapy to a sub-millimetre accuracy utilising a gantry and couch rotation of 360o about the isocentre/s, and includes a motorized variable collimator. Treatment planning is facilitated by a state-of-the-art treatment planning software package to calculate dose to tumours and normal tissue using both Superposition-Convolution algorithm and Monte Carlo simulation. Anaesthesia is delivered by an active SOMNI system.
SARRP is also equipped with a second cone beam CT X-ray tube to enable high-resolution computed tomography.
Typical applications: Live CT imaging to guide radiotherapy in real time to deeply-embedded tumours.
Training and further information
For training, user registration and more information on this system please contact:
Dr Ben Quah,;
Dr David Simon Davis,
Users are able to use treatment planning software at a cost of $100/hr. SARRP specialists are able to plan and/or perform treatments at a cost of $175/hr for non-collaborative projects.
For bookings, please click on the following link (Note: only trained and registered users will be able to book equipment).