Naomi Mitchell

Naomi Mitchell
Senior Research Officer - The Quinn Group
Manager - JCSMR Drosophila Facility

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After completing a Bachelor of Biomedical Science with Honours at the University of Melbourne (2004), Naomi joined Dr Leonie Quinn’s group and began research at the Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre (2005-2007). Naomi then made the move with Dr Quinn when Dr Quinn established her laboratory at the University of Melbourne in 2007. In 2016 Dr Quinn relocated to The John Curtin School of Medical Research (ANU, Canberra), Naomi relocated as a senior research officer in the Quinn Group - Cancer Models in the ACRF Department of Cancer Biology and Therapeutics.



Room 3.368


Linna Guo, Olga Zaysteva, Zuqin Nie, Naomi Mitchell, Jue Er Amanda Lee, Thomas Ware, Linda Parsons, Rodney Luwor, Gretchen Poortinga, Ross D Hannan, David L Levens, Leonie Quinn. Defining the essential function of FBP/KSRP proteins: Drosophila Psi interacts with the Mediator Complex to modulate MYC transcription and tissue growth. Nucleic Acids Research 2016. gkw461. (IF 9.12)

Naomi Mitchell, Elissaveta Tchoubrieva, Arjun Chahal, Simone Woods, Amanda Lee, Jane Lin, Linda Parsons, Gretchen Poortinga, Katherine Hannan, Richard Pearson, Ross Hannan and Leonie Quinn “Signalling to ribosomal RNA synthesis: MYC-driven rDNA transcription requires S6 Kinase”. Cell. Signaling, 2015 doi: 10.1016/j.cellsig.2015.07.018 (IF 4.315)

*Jue Er Amanda Lee, * Naomi Mitchell, Olga Zaytseva, Arjun Chahal, Peter Mendis, Linda Parsons, Gretchen Poortinga, David Levens, Ross Hannan, and Leonie Quinn. (* these authors contributed equally to this work). Hfp- dependent transcriptional repression of dMYC is fundamental to tissue overgrowth in Drosophila XPB models. Nature Communications 2015 doi:10.1038/ncomms8404. (IF=11.470)

Olga Zaytseva, Nora Tenis, Naomi Mitchell, Shin-ichiro Kanno, Akira Yasui, Jörg Heierhorst and Leonie Quinn. ASCIZ regulates development and mitosis in Drosophila as a conserved regulator of Cutup/dynein light chain. Genetics 2014 196 (2): 443–53. doi:10.1534/genetics.113.159541. (IF 5.963)

Jane Lin, Naomi Mitchell, Elly Tchoubrieva, Mary Stewart, Steven Marygold, Richard Pearson, *#Leonie Quinn and #Ross Hannan. (# co- senior authors, * Corresponding Author). Drosophila Ribosomal Protein Mutants Control Tissue Growth Non-Autonomously via Effects on the Prothoracic Gland and Ecdysone. PloS Genetics 2011 7 (12) e1002408 (cited 2x by Faculty 1000) (IF 7.528)

Naomi Mitchell, Timothy Johanson, Nicola Cranna, Amanda Lee, Helena Richardson, Ross Hannan and Leonie Quinn. "Hfp inhibits Drosophila myc transcription and cell growth in a TFIIH/Hay-dependent manner". Development 2010 137, 2875-2884. (IF 6.462)

Naomi Mitchell, Nicola Cranna, Helena Richardson and Leonie Quinn. The Ecdysone- inducible zinc finger transcription factor, Crol regulates wg transcription and cell cycle progression in Drosophila. Development 2008 (featured on the front cover). 135(16): 2707-16. (IF 6.462)

Naomi Mitchell, Marina Kalcina, Nicki Cranna, Jue Er Amanda Lee and Leonie Quinn. Ecdysone regulates wingless transcription in a Crol dependent manner. BMC Developmental Biology 2013.(13) 28.

Nicola Cranna, Naomi Mitchell, Ross Hannan and Leonie Quinn. Hfp, the Drosophila homolog of the mammalian c-myc transcriptional-repressor and tumour suppressor FIR, inhibits dmyc transcription and cell growth. Fly 2011 5:2, 1-5.