Cameron Jack

Cameron Jack
Manager, ANU Bioinformatics Consultancy

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Mr Cameron Jack was awarded his bachelor’s degree in computer science in 2003. He has worked in all manner of professions, but quickly found a love for biological research after starting work in 2004 with Victoria University of Wellington’s School of Biological Sciences as an instrument technician, and became an accomplished optical microscopist. In 2006 he helped build the Chemical Genetics Laboratory under the guidance of Professor Paul Atkinson and became their in-house bioinformatician, handling both their high-throughput yeast-genetics screens and high-content microscopy capabilities. In 2010 he worked with Dr Peter Ritchie to help establish bioinformatics capability with Next-Generation Sequencing (NGS) at VUW. In 2011 he began working as a bioinformatician at ANU in the newly formed Genome Discovery Unit, which would later be known as the ANU Bioinformatics Consultancy (ABC). Cameron has been managing the consultancy since early 2016.


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