A look back at the Lorne Genome Conference 2024

Publication date
Thursday, 15 Feb 2024
SDCRI team

In the coastal town of Lorne, near Melbourne, distinguished academics gathered for the famous Lorne Genome Conference from 11-13 February, celebrated as a premier event in the field of Genomic Sciences.

Researchers from the Shine-Dalgarno Centre for RNA Innovation (SDCRI) at the John Curtin School of Medical Research (JCSMR) also joined the conference to share our amazing work with fellow scientists.

The Conference provided an invaluable experience for both our group leaders and young academics, offering a platform to reconnect with global leaders in Genomic Sciences and exchange ideas. For our young researchers and students, it was an opportunity to expand their professional networks and stay in-line of cutting-edge research trends.

Members of our team from the Hayashi and Tremethick labs were also able to present the latest advancements in research being conducted here at JCSMR.


  • Drosophila testis-specific PAF1C: Chromosomal territory formation, chromosomal pairing and transcription – Archica Gupta, Astrid Pold Vilstrup, Peter Andersen, Rippei Hayashi
  • Ancient Origins of Endogenous Retroviruses – Shashank Chary and Rippei Hayashi
  • Novel mechanism of transposon silencing in drosophila eugracilis – Rippei Hayashi, Shashank Chary, Shashwat Kaushal


  • 'Is the essential histone variant H2A.Z an oncohistone or a tumour suppressor?' – Professor David Tremethick

Amongst these engaging presentations and poster sessions, the conference dinner provided a relaxed environment for all involved from JCSMR and SDCRI to build connections and unwind. During the event, the team from SDCRI engaged with industry stakeholders, realising the potential of these partnerships to drive innovation and contribute to research education at SDCRI and JCSMR.

Stay tuned as we pave the way towards excellence and entrepreneurship in research innovation!

Anna Benc, Centre Manager and Arash Araghi, HDR Strategy Manager
The Shine-Dalgarno Centre for RNA Innovation

Anna Benc (L) and Arash Araghi (R) with SDCRI Director Professor Thomas Preiss (C) - Image: SDCRI.

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JCSMR researchers having a light moment after the conference - Image: SDCRI.