Dr Henry James Sutton receives Dewar-Milne Prize for 2021

Publication date
Monday, 24 Jul 2023

The Dewar-Milne Prize for 2021 was awarded to Dr Henry James Sutton for the most outstanding PhD thesis in the field of Immunology.  

Professor Graham Mann, Director of JCSMR presented the award at an event held on 20 July 2023.

Dr Sutton’s thesis was Single cell analysis of B cell responses to Malaria.

Dr Sutton expressed his gratitude to the JCSMR and Immunology Department, his team members and his supervisor, Professor Ian Cockburn who is the head of the department.

“The School and the department, helped me learn special skills and set me up to be in a position where I am today,” he said.


Some highlights of the event

Images Kassapa Senarath | JCSMR Communications