The BIG biology of PGRMC1: from eukaryogenesis to disease

Dr Mike Cahill, Charles Sturt University, Wagga Wagga

As an external student of the Department of Pathology at the School of Medicine at UNSW Dr Mike Cahill obtained his PhD in Professor Alfred Nordheim's group at the Medizinische Hochschule in Hannover, Germany from 1990-1995, working on transcriptional regulation of the c-fos gene. After a bridging postdoc in the same lab be moved briefly back to Australia in 1996 for a post-doc at the John Curtin School of Medical Research. After meeting Prof. Keith Williams of the then newly established Australian Proteome Analysis Facility, he returned to Germany in 1997 to establish proteomics activities in the new lab of Professor Nordheim at the University of Tuebingen. Those activities were the direct ancestor of the modern Proteomics Centre at Tuebingen (founded in 2003). However, before that centre opened Dr. Cahill had co-founded the proteomics-based biotechnology company ProteoSys AG in February 2000, where he developed and implemented the ProteoTope multiplex radioactive proteomics platform, and focused it on clinical cancer projects. He led the team that discovered differential phosphorylation of PGRMC1 in primary breast cancers. In 2008 Dr Cahill moved back to Australia as Lecturer in Biochemistry and Cell Biology at Charles Sturt University in Wagga Wagga to pursue PGRMC1 research.