Professor Greg Stuart

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Research interests
The Neuronal Signalling Group is interested in understanding how single neurons in the brain process information. The brain is made up of billions of neurons connected to each other in complex networks. The main objective of my group is to understand how individual neurons within these networks integrate the thousands of synaptic inputs they receive. While most synaptic input to neurons is made onto their dendrites, understanding the role of dendrites in information processing in the brain is a primary
focus of the group. In addition, we are interested in the role of single neurons in learning and memory formation, processing of binocular visual information and decision making. To address these issues we record from individual neurons in vitro and in vivo using both electrophysiological (patch-clamp) and imaging techniques (confocal and 2-photon), often combining experiments with modelling.
- Bock, H.T. and Stuart, G.J. (2016) Impact of BK channels on cellular excitability depends on their subcellular location. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 10:206, 1-8. doi:10.3389/fncel.2016.00206
- Bock, T. and Stuart, G.J. (2016) Impact of calcium-activated potassium channels on NMDA spikes in cortical layer 5 pyramidal neurons. J. Neurophysiology 115: 1740–1748
- Stuart, G.J and Spruston, N. (2015) Dendritic integration: 60 years of progress. Nature Neuroscience 18, 1713-1721
- Go, M.A, To, M-S, Stricker, C, Redman, S, Bachor, H-A, Stuart, G.J. and Daria, V.R. (2013) Four-dimensional multi-site photolysis of caged neurotransmitters. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 7:231, 1-9 (10.3389/fncel.2013.00231).
- Jones, S & Stuart, G 2013, 'Different calcium sources control somatic versus dendritic SK channel activation during action potentials', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 33, no. 50, pp. 19396-19405
- Spruston, N, Hausser, M & Stuart, G 2013, 'Information Processing in Dendrites and Spines', in (ed.), Fundamental Neuroscience, Academic Press, United Kingdom, pp. 231-259.
- Go, MA, To, M, Stricker, C, Redman, S, Bachor, H, Stuart, G, Daria, VR, 2013, 'Four-dimensional multi-site photolysis of caged neurotransmitters', Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, vol. 7, p231
- Longordo, F, To, M, Ikeda, K et al 2013, 'Sublinear integration underlies binocular processing in primary visual cortex', Nature Neuroscience, vol. 16, no. 6, pp. 714-723.
- Stuart, G 2012, 'Dendritic spikes veto inhibition', Neuron, vol. 75.
- Kole, M & Stuart, G 2012, 'Signal Processing in the Axon Initial Segment', Neuron, vol. 73, no. 2, pp. 235-247.
- Breton, J & Stuart, G 2012, 'Somatic and dendritic GABAB receptors regulate neuronal excitability via different mechanisms', Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 108, no. 10, pp. 2810-2880.
- Gulledge, A, Carnevale, N & Stuart, G 2012, 'Electrical advantages of dendritic spines', PLOS ONE (Public Library of Science), vol. 7, no. 4.
- Hallermann, S, de Kock, C, Stuart, G et al 2012, 'State and location dependence of action potential metabolic cost in cortical pyramidal neurons', Nature Neuroscience, vol. 15, no. 7, pp. 1007-1014.
- Palmer, L, Clark, B, Grundemann, J et al 2010, 'Initiation of simple and complex spikes in cerebellar Purkinje cells', Journal of Physiology, vol. 588, no. 10, pp. 1709-1717.
- Froemke, R, Letzkus, J, Kampa, B et al 2010, 'Dendritic synapse location and neocortical spike-timing-dependent plasticity', Frontiers in Synaptic Neuroscience, vol. 2, no. JUL.
- Etherington, S, Atkinson, S, Stuart, G et al 2010, 'Synaptic integration', in Hildegard Kehrer-Sawatzki (ed.), Encyclopedia of Life Sciences (2010), John Wiley & Sons Inc, Chichester.
- Hausser, M, Spruston, N & Stuart, G 2008, 'Conclusion: The future of dendrite research', in Greg Stuart, Nelson Spruston, Michael Hausser (ed.), Dendrites (2nd ed), Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 551-554.
- Palmer, L & Stuart, G 2009, 'Membrane Potential Changes in Dendritic Spines during Action Potentials and Synaptic Input', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 29, no. 21, pp. 6897-693.
- Breton, JD & Stuart, G 2009, 'Loss of sensory input increases the intrinsic excitability of layer 5 pyramidal neurons in rat barrel cortex.', Journal of Physiology, vol. 587, no. 21, pp. 5107-5119.
- Spruston, N, Stuart, G & Hausser, M 2008, 'Dendritic integration', in Greg Stuart, Nelson Spruston, Michael Hausser (ed.), Dendrites (2nd ed), Oxford University Press, Oxford, pp. 351-399.
- Kole, M, Ilschner, S, Kampa, B et al 2008, 'Action potential generation requires a high sodium channel density in the axon initial segment', Nature Neuroscience, vol. 11, no. 2, pp. 178-186.
- Kole, M & Stuart, G 2008, 'Is action potential threshold lowest in the axon?', Nature Neuroscience, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 1253-1255.
- Letzkus, J & Stuart, G 2008, 'All asleep - But Inhibition is Wide Awake', Neuron, vol. 57, no. 6, pp. 804-806.
- Stuart, G, Spruston, N & Hausser, M, eds, 2008, Dendrites (2nd ed), Oxford University Press, Oxford.
- Kampa, B, Letzkus, J & Stuart, G 2007, 'Dendritic mechanisms controlling spike-timing dependent synaptic plasticity', Trends in Neurosciences, vol. 30, no. 9, pp. 456-463.
- Letzkus, J, Kampa, B & Stuart, G 2007, 'Does spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity underlie memory formation?', Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology and Physiology, vol. 34, pp. 1070-1076.
- Kole, M, Brauer, A & Stuart, G 2007, 'Inherited cortical HCN1 loss amplifies dendritic calcium electrogenesis and burst firing in an rat absence epilepsy model', Journal of Physiology, vol. 578, pp. 507-528.
- Kole, M, Letzkus, J & Stuart, G 2007, 'Axon initial segment Kv1 channels control axonal action potential waveform and synaptic efficacy.', Neuron, vol. 55, pp. 633-647.
- Gulledge, A, Park, S, Kawaguchi, Y et al 2007, 'Heterogeneity of Phasic Cholinergic Signaling in Neocortical Neurons', Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 97, pp. 2215-2229.
- Kole, M, Hallermann, S & Stuart, G 2006, 'Single Ih channels in pyramidal neuron dendrites: Properties,distribution,and impact on action potential output', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 1677-1687.
- Letzkus, J, Kampa, B & Stuart, G 2006, 'Learning rules for spike timing-dependent plasticity depend on dendritic synapse location', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 26, no. 41, pp. 10420-10429.
- Palmer, L & Stuart, G 2006, 'Site of action potential initiation in layer 5 pyramidal neurons', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 26, no. 6, pp. 1854-1863.
- Davie, J, Kole, M, Letzkus, J et al 2006, 'Dendritic patch-clamp recording', Nature Protocols, vol. 1, no. 3, pp. 1235-1247.
- Kampa, B, Letzkus, J & Stuart, G 2006, 'Requirement of dendretic calcium spikes for induction of spike-timing-dependent synaptic plasticity', Journal of Physiology, vol. 574, no. 1, pp. 283-290.
- Kampa, B & Stuart, G 2006, 'Calcium spikes in basal dendrites of layer 5 pyramidal neurons during action potential bursts', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 26, no. 28, pp. 7424-7432.
- Stuart, G & Palmer, L 2006, 'Imaging membrane potential in dendrites and axons of single neurons', Pflugers Archives European Journal of Physiology, vol. 453, pp. 403-410.
- Kampa, B, Letzkus, J & Stuart, G 2006, 'Cortical feed-forward networks for binding different streams of sensory information', Nature Neuroscience, vol. 9, no. 12, pp. 1472-1473.
- Gulledge, A & Stuart, G 2005, 'Cholinergic inhibition of neocortical pyramidal neurons', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 25, no. 44, pp. 10308-10320.
- Kampa, B & Stuart, G 2005, 'NMDA receptor kinetics are tuned for spike-timing dependent synaptic plasticity', Physiology News, vol. 58, no. Spring 2005, pp. 29-30.
- Gulledge, A, Kampa, B & Stuart, G 2005, 'Synaptic Integration in Dendritic Trees', Journal of Neurobiology, vol. 64, no. 1, pp. 75-90.
- Kampa, B, Clements, J, Jonas, P et al 2004, 'Kinetics of Mg2+ unblock of NMDA receptors: implications for spike-timing dependent synaptic plasticity', Journal of Physiology, vol. 556, no. 2, pp. 337-345.
- Williams, S & Stuart, G 2003, 'Role of dentritic synapse location in the control of action potential output', Trends in Neurosciences, vol. 26, no. 3, pp. 147-154.
- Gulledge, A & Stuart, G 2003, 'Action potential initiation and propagation in layer 5 pyramidal neurons of the rat prefrontal cortex: absence of dopamine modulation', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 23, no. 36, pp. 11363-11372.
- Gulledge, A & Stuart, G 2003, 'Excitatory actions of GABA in the cortex', Neuron, vol. 37, no. 2, pp. 299-309.
- Williams, S & Stuart, G 2003, 'Voltage- and site-dependent control of the somatic impact of dendritic IPSPs', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 23, no. 19, pp. 7358-7367.
- Williams, S & Stuart, G 2002, 'Dependence of EPSP efficacy on synapse location in neocortical pyramidal neurons', Science, vol. 295, pp. 1907-1910.
- Williams, S, Christensen, S, Stuart, G et al 2002, 'Membrane potential bistability is controlled by the hyperpolarization-activated current IH in rat cerebellar Purkinje neurons in vitro', Journal of Physiology, vol. 539, no. 2, pp. 469-483.
- Hausser, M, Major, G & Stuart, G 2001, 'Differential shunting of EPSPs by action potentials', Science, vol. 291, pp. 138-141.
- Stuart, G 2001, 'Determinants of spike timing-dependent synaptic plasticity', Neuron, vol. 32, no. 6, pp. 966-968.
- Stuart, G & Hausser, M 2001, 'Dendritic coincidence detection of EPSPs and action potentials', Nature Neuroscience, vol. 4, no. 1, pp. 63-71.
- Williams, S & Stuart, G 2000, 'Action potential backpropagation and somato-dendritic distribution of ion channels in thalamocortical neurons', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 20, pp. 1307-1317.
- Williams, S & Stuart, G 2000, 'Site independence of EPSP time course is mediated by dendritic I(h) in neocortical pyramidal neurons', Journal of Neurophysiology, vol. 83, pp. 3177-3182.
- Williams, S & Stuart, G 2000, 'Backpropagation of physiological spike trains in neocortical pyramidal neurons: Implications for temporal coding in dendrites', Journal of Neuroscience, vol. 20, pp. 8238-8246.
- Hausser, M, Spruston, N & Stuart, G 2000, 'Diversity and Dynamics of Dendritic Signalling', Science, vol. 290, pp. 737-744.
- Gentet, L, Stuart, G & Clements, J 2000, 'Direct Measurement of Specific Membrane Capacitance in Neurons', Biophysical Journal, vol. 79, pp. 314-320.
- Stuart, G 1999, 'Voltage-activated sodium channels amplify inhibition in neocortical pyramidal neurons', Nature Neuroscience, vol. 2, pp. 144-150.
- Williams, S & Stuart, G 1999, 'Mechanisms and consequences of burst fring in rat neocortical pyramidal neurons', Journal of Physiology, vol. 521, pp. 467-448.