Memorial giving

If you are considering the JCSMR as a beneficiary, we would love to hear from you, so that we can properly thank you and answer any questions you may have.

At JCSMR we are working towards scientific discoveries that will help us prevent and cure a range of diseases–from cancer to diabetes.

Given the proven track records of our scientists and the outstanding quality of the research that we conduct, it is not surprising that we perform above average when securing competitive funding from government sources.

However, for every dollar that we receive, we need additional funding to do the research. This money is required to purchase equipment and to maintain our state-of-the-art scientific facilities. It also supports our early career academics with tremendous potential who may not yet be eligible for Commonwealth funding.

With an aging population, you or someone you know is likely to be somehow affected by conditions such as hearing loss, or high blood pressure that can result in a stroke or heart attack. Your support now can change tomorrow.

Don’t wait until it is too late. Contact us today to discover how your contribution can make a lasting difference.

You can donate online or contact CHM Advancement, to discuss other ways to support JCSMR.